Project " Samayan " organized by SLTC Leos was successfully completed on 17 th July 2018 in Campus premises.This was the first project of the new leoistic year 2018/2019 of SLTC Leo's.There are lots of talented students in SLTC and this event helped to them to come forward and illustrate their talents. This event was great opportunity to enhance inter relationship between other Leo clubs as well as among the students of SLTC. Most people love music, it is the supposed universal language of mankind and music is the best medicine for stress. So that ‘Samayan’ had been a big change for everyone and also be a good few hours of mind relaxing. Music crew played songs which are never can be forgotten from our hearts. Such as “Kurutu Gaa gee pothe”, “Sadalatha Payala”, “Daffodil Male”.. And Prospect Wayantha Rathnakala did a Violin Solo which was the most heart touching part of the event. District President of Leo District 306 A...