Club Workshop Series Phase 1 “EmWo”…

Club Workshop Series Phase 1 “ EmWo(Empowering Women) ” organized by SLTC Leos was successfully completed on 25th August 2019 , 9.00 am to 12.00 pm at Manapubudu Library, Piliyandala . Th at was the workshop for improve and motivate the future leading women. E mpowerment has become a widely used word. ‘Empowerment’ in its emancipatory meaning, is a serious word- one which brings up the question of personal agency rather than reliance on intermediaries, one that links action to needs, and one that results in making signif i cant collective change. It is also a concept that does not merely concern personal identity but brings out a broader analysis of human rights and social justice. Empowerment includes individual and collective abilities that offer a socio-political space as well as access to and control of diffe...