Monthly General Meeting...

For a new beginning under the guidance of our newly elected club president Leo Lakshitha Sandaruwan, the first event of our club, the Monthly general meeting was held for the month of July. Starting with the national anthem, reciting the pledge and inspiring speeches throughout the event was a good inducement for our Leos and prospects to this precious journey. The General meeting was held on the 08th August 2019 at the SLTC campus premises with the participation of our honorable chief guest, Zonal director of zone B2 Leo Raseema Sugandi and Guest of honor, the director of membership retention, Leo Navod Kriwaththuduwa, all the Leo members and Leo prospects were able to know their experiences and memories all through their Leo journey. The General meeting decided the new Board of Directors and the adoption of financial statements for the preceding year. At last the event was concluded after a small discussion on the current issues, solutions for them and some proposals for the future development of the club, which proves the passion of Leos and prospects towards the club.

- The LEO TIMES Vol 1


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