රුක් රෝපා 2021...

Forests are called the lungs of Earth, then trees must be the bronchioles of the planet.Planting trees will mean a contribution to heal Earth and sustain life on it. Planting trees is an investment made in nature to make human life more comfortable. So, our beloved Leos have taken a step towards making this precious and worthy investment to the future generation.

" රුක් රෝපා 2021 " is a project jointly organized by Leos of Sri Lanka Technological Campus, Kesbewa, Urugasmanhandiya, Moratuwa, Dehiwala East, University of Sri Jayawardenpura ,  Christ church boys college and girls college  was held on the 16th of April at the auspicious time, 6.40 a.m facing East while hoping do fullfil our duties to mother nature by planting a plant at a auspicious time.  

"Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky."

― Kahlil Gebran


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