Friends of Mine...

In order to celebrate World Friendship Day 2020, Leo Club of Sri Lanka Technological Campus joined hands with the Leo Club of University of Sri Jayawardanepura to organize an online campaign on 30th of July 2020. This was an online campaign due to the pandemic that was prevailing at the time. In order to inform our fellow leos we shared a friendship day post through the Facebook and Instagram and sent emails for the Leo clubs as this was an online event. 

As the initiative step, on 30th of July 2020 at 8 a.m., the project chairmen of Leo club of Sri Lanka Technological Campus and Leo club of University of Sri Jaywardhanapura shared a friendship day post on Facebook and Instagram. Within the campaign we also sent emails to 27 Leo clubs including Leo club of Toronto Royal, Leo club of Mumbai City Center, Leo club of Switzerland etc. 

It was a great honor to us that one of the Internationally recognized Leo club of Toronto Royal, replied to our email. 

Finally, It was a immense pleasure for us to carry out this successful campaign around the world. We are pleased that all the Leos benefited from this and they can serve their community without any hesitation. So they can easily reach the problems in their community and all of us can get together and find solutions for them. 

Unity among Leos is the strength!


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