Womanhood is not an easy battle; from undergoing a plethora of opinions and restrictions since a girl draws her first breath, a woman’s life is instantaneously categorized into a specific rubric on how she should live her life. Despite many modern-day women prioritizing themselves and pursuing their careers, many are held back by the demanding patriarchy and even by their own families to follow the “traditional” roles and mannerisms of a women – becoming a docile homemaker. The workforce itself can become a battle, for a gender-based wage gap and the subjection to various forms of gender inequality still prevail. Therefore Project “WEST –Women Empowerment and Social Training”, organized by the LEO Club of Sri Lanka Technological Campus, strives to shed light on these issues and provide a platform for women’s empowerment for the Leo Ladies of Multiple District 306 and appreciate their talents and personalities. WEST, which is currently underway since the August ...